Once you set up your Custom Tabs, you may notice that the columns you see do not always show the information you need or are in a different order than wished.
You can always customize the view with the “Customize” button on the right side of the screen, but that button only changes the view for you, not for other Users. You can customize the view for whole Groups using Table Layouts.

General setup
Name – name of the setup, will be visible in the Custom Tab instead of the “Customize” button
Groups – Groups or Users that will have access to this Table Layout. If no Group is selected, it will be available to all of the Groups
Target – which Custom Tab should this setup be applied to
Child table layout – if the Transactions have any child levels, you can set up a custom Table Layout for each of these levels
Child level – if you are setting the Table Layout for child levels, type in the number of the level
Columns – which columns should be visible. You can change their order using the arrows on the left (drag & drop)

You can set up various Table Layouts for one Custom Tab – each Group can have its own view. When you have more views set up, you select the wished one using the arrow that appears in the “Customize” button.