Each created transaction in Flowis has its unique Sequence code.

To set up how the Sequence codes should be formed, Sequencers are used.
How to Set Up a Sequencer
- Code (prefix) – determines the first letters
- Description – internal description to explain the logic behind this Sequencer
- Ruby eval prefix – prefix of the sequence code can use certain programmed logic. To add anything to this section, please contact your IT administrator
- Length of sequence codes – determines how many symbols are in the Sequence code. Please bear in mind that length includes both Code (prefix) and numeric characters
- Depends on – to add anything to this section, please contact your IT administrator
- Linked to URL – if you have multiple Flowis tenants, you can connect them by using this URL. Any sequence code matching this prefix used in the comments will be linked to another tenant. For example:
Prefix: ABC
Linked to URL: https://abc.flowis.com
Then any ABC0000123 will be a link to https://abc.flowis.com/transactions/ABC0000123
Numbers in Sequence code are generated automatically according to numerical order.

To use the created Sequencer, it must be added to the Transaction in Transaction Type.