The Challenge
Yanfeng faced limited visibility and inefficient communication with its suppliers. Suppliers had no central platform to track invoices, payments, or access important documents, leading to delays, manual follow-ups, and increased workload for both suppliers and Yanfeng’s accounts payable (AP) team.
Solution: Implementing the Flowis Supplier Portal
To address these challenges, Yanfeng implemented the Flowis Supplier Portal, a centralized platform designed to simplify and automate supplier interactions. The portal provides suppliers with a single location to view and manage purchase orders, submit invoices, and track payment statuses in real time. This shift reduced the reliance on manual processes, improved operational efficiency, and created a transparent and collaborative environment.
Training materials and instructional videos were made available in multiple languages, ensuring a smooth onboarding process for suppliers. This approach allowed suppliers to quickly adopt the system, minimizing disruptions to daily operations.
The Result
Key benefits of the Flowis supplier portal:
Greater Transparency
and Supplier Visibility
Before the portal, suppliers had limited insight into the status of their invoices and payments. Now, they can track invoice progress, check payment status, and download remittance advice directly from the Flowis dashboard. This has significantly reduced the need for suppliers to contact AP team for updates, saving time and effort for both parties.
Error Reduction
and Increased Accuracy
The implementation of Flowis supplier portal saves time by automating orders and invoices. It reduces costs by simplifying communication and eliminating errors. Suppliers and companies can quickly access the necessary information, improving the entire process.
Centralized Supplier Interaction
and Improved Communication
Suppliers now have a clear, direct way to interact with Yanfeng. The portal provides a single platform where suppliers can view purchase orders, access information, and stay updated on their payment status. This transparency fosters better supplier relationships and encourages trust and cooperation.
Time and Cost Savings
The implementation of an e-portal for suppliers saves time by automating orders and invoices. It reduces costs by simplifying communication and eliminating errors. Suppliers and companies can quickly access the necessary information, improving the entire process.
Scalable Solution for Future Growth
The Flowis supplier portal is a scalable solution that can grow with Yanfeng’s business needs. As the company expands, the portal can handle more suppliers, more invoices, and additional features. This future-proof design ensures that Yanfeng’s investment in automation will continue to deliver returns in the long term.